The European Union in the Face of Russia's Aggression against Ukraine

Editor: Jolanta Szymańska
Warsaw 2024
ISBN 978-83-67487-36-8 (pb)
e-ISBN 978-83-67487-48-1 (pdf)
Pages 155
“There is abundant literature in the field of European studies on how the European Union shapes its external environment. But there is also greater need for an in-depth reflection on how the European Union’s environment shapes its functioning, activities and effectiveness in the international area. Any attempt to grasp multidimensional and long-term consequences of Russian aggression toward the evolution of the European integration process, especially in the context of the ongoing debate on reforms and the future of the European Union, certainly deserves recognition.”
Dr hab. Agnieszka K. Cianciara, prof. ISP PAN
Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Introduction (5)
Key Findings (9)
Prospects (13)
The War in Ukraine and the Concept of EU Strategic Autonomy
Elżbieta Kaca, Melchior Szczepanik (17)
EU Military Assistance to Ukraine and the Future of the Common Security and Defence Policy
Aleksandra Kozioł (31)
EU Sanctions Against Russia: Challenges and Implications for the Future of Sanctions Policy
Elżbieta Kaca (49)
The EU’s Opening of the Door to Ukraine and Impact on the Debate on Institutional Reform of the Community
Melchior Szczepanik, Tomasz Zając (63)
EU Economic Assistance to Ukraine—Economic Relations and the Challenges of Reconstruction
Piotr Dzierżanowski, Daniel Szeligowski (77)
EU Energy Policy in the Face of Russia’s Aggression Against Ukraine and the Prospects for Enhancing EU Energy Independence
Zuzanna Nowak (89)
EU Aid to Ukraine and Challenges of EU Development Cooperation Policy
Patryk Kugiel (101)
Reception of Refugees from Ukraine in the EU and the Future of EU Migration and Asylum Policy
Jolanta Szymańska (113)
EU’s Involvement in the Prosecution of International Crimes in Ukraine and the Prospects for Enhancing the Union’s Role in Shaping International Criminal Law
Szymon Zaręba (125)
EU Efforts to Combat Russian Disinformation about the War in Ukraine and Build EU Resilience to Information Challenges
Filip Bryjka, Agnieszka Legucka (139)
About the Authors (151)