Privacy and cookies

Privacy and Cookies

Privacy Policy

This document contains information about the processing of your personal data by

the Polish Institute of International Affairs, ul. Warecka 1a, 00-950 Warsaw

(hereinafter: “PISM”) in connection with use of the web service (hereinafter: “Website”) as well as in connection with establishing or maintaining contacts with PISM via other communication channels, including e-mail, telephone calls or traditional postal correspondence.

PISM respects the right to privacy of Website Users. In particular, it ensures the protection of their personal data and applies appropriate organisational and technical measures to prevent interference with Users' privacy by third parties. By using the Website, you accept the principles of this Privacy Policy.

We would like to inform you that the Website may contain external links enabling its Users to directly access other websites, or that when using the Website, cookies from other entities may also be placed on the User's device. For security reasons, we recommend that before using the resources offered by other websites or web services, each User reads the document regarding the privacy policy and the use of cookies, if available, and if they are not available, that each User contacts the administrator of the given website or web service to obtain information in this regard.

1. Conditions of personal data processing

Under Articles 13 and 14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter: “GDPR” or “General Data Protection Regulation”), we inform that:

  1. The Controller of your personal data is the Polish Institute of International Affairs, ul. Warecka 1a, 00-950 Warsaw (hereinafter also referred to as the “Controller”). The Controller can be contacted by e-mail to or in writing to the address of the Controller's registered office.
  2. Compliance with the data protection rules is supervised by the Data Protection Inspector appointed by the Controller, who can be contacted by e-mail:
  3. Personal data will be processed for the following purposes and under the following legal bases:

Purpose of data processing

Legal basis for data processing

Communication with potential contractors or regarding the services offered on the website

Article 6(1)(b) of GDPR (taking actions at the request of the data subject prior to conclusion of the contract)

Conclusion and performance of cooperation contracts

 Article 6(1)(b) of GDPR (conclusion and performance of the contract)

Article 6(1)(f) of GDPR (legitimate interest of the Controller) - ensuring contact with persons performing the contract) - in relation to representatives, persons responsible for contract performance (contact persons of the contractor)

Conducting the recruitment procedure for the position indicated in the advertisement, contacting selected candidates

Article 6(1)(a) of the General Data Protection Regulation (consent – ​​expressed through a clear confirmatory action, i.e. sending application documents) if the candidate provides a broader scope of data than provided for by the law

Article 6(1)(b) of the General Data Protection Regulation (taking actions at the request of the data subject prior to conclusion of the contract)


Article 6(1)(c) of GDPR (legal obligation)

Accepting enquiries and providing answers via the form available on the Website or by e-mail, telephone or postal mail

Article 6(1)(f) of GDPR (legitimate interest - ensuring contact with the Controller, accepting enquiries regarding the services it offers and providing answers)

Conducting promotional and marketing activities, including via electronic communication tools (e.g. email).
Selected forms of communication, such as sending newsletters, may require your additional consent pursuant to separate legal provisions.

Article 6(1)(f) of GDPR (legitimate interest - direct marketing of own services)

Conducting analytical and statistical activities regarding user activity on the Website via cookies or other similar technologies. Installing cookies for this purpose may require your additional consent pursuant to separate laws.

Article 6(1)(f) of GDPR (legitimate interest - conducting analytical and statistical activities regarding the Website in order to develop and improve services)

Pursuing claims and taking action in connection with the debt collection process as well as defending against claims

Article 6(1)(f) of GDPR (legitimate interest - establishing, pursuing claims, undertaking debt collection activities, defending against claims)

To carry out the statutory tasks of PISM, in particular trought the Internet and other mass media and in the form of conferences, seminars, lectures and publications, including books and journals.

Article 6(1)(c) of the General Data Protection Regulation (legal obligation)

Act of 20 December 1996 on the Polish Institute of International Affairs;

Regulation of the Prime Minister of 1 December 2016 on award of statutes to the Polish Institute of International Affairs.

Article 6(1)(f) of the General Data Protection Regulation (legitimate interest popularisation of knowledge in the domain of international relations and foreign policy of the Republic of Poland).

  1. The recipients of personal data are entities acting on behalf of the data controller, i.e. entities providing IT services in the field of maintenance and troubleshooting as well as entities authorised to receive data on the basis of legal provisions.
  2. If you are a representative of our contractor or supplier, the Controller will process your contact details (e.g. name, surname, e-mail address, telephone number, title) in connection with the cooperation or in order to establish it. If we did not obtain this data directly from you, we received it from our contractor or supplier whose representative you are.
  3. The period of data processing by the Controller depends on the purpose of processing for which the data is collected, in accordance with the following criteria:
  1. The personal data of job candidates will be stored:
    1. until the recruitment process for the position indicated in the advertisement is completed;
    2. in the event of consent to the processing of data for the purposes of future recruitment activities conducted by the Controller - until such consent is withdrawn.
    3. After the period indicated above, personal data will be stored for the time required by applicable law to store data or for the period of limitation of any claims.
  2. The contractors' personal data will be stored for the period of implementation of the cooperation contract, and after that period for the time for which the law requires the storage of data or for the period of limitation of any claims.
  3. Personal data of contact persons and website users will be stored by:
  1. until consent is withdrawn - in the case of personal data processing under Article 6(1)(a) of GDPR,
  2. until an effective objection to data processing is lodged - in the case of personal data processing under Article 6(1)(f) of GDPR.


After the period indicated above, personal data will be archived for the period for which the applicable law requires data storage or for the period of limitation of any claims, and then they will be erased or anonymised.

  1. In connection with the processing of personal data, you have the following rights:
    • right to access data content, right to rectify the data, right to have the data erased, right to restrict data processing, right to transfer the data,
    • right to object to data processing - if the processing of your personal data is based on the so-called legitimate interest and on the conditions specified in the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation,
    • right to submit a complain to the supervisory authority (President of the Personal Data Protection Office) if you believe that processing of personal data is in breach of the General Data Protection Regulation.
  2. All the rights indicated above apply to the extent resulting from the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation. The above rights can be exercised by sending an application to the address of the Controller's registered office or, in the case of contact by e-mail, to the following address:
  3. Providing personal data is obligatory if such an obligation results from the law.  Providing data for the purposes of achieving other purposes (described in point 3) is voluntary, but may be necessary to achieve them, i.e. answering an enquiry or using the Website.


2.Cookies Policy

  1. When visiting the Website (hereinafter also referred to as the “Web Service”), we may collect information from the user such as cookie identifiers, information collected via cookies or other similar technologies.
  2. Cookies are IT data, especially text files, that are stored in the end device of the user and are intended for use of the Website pages. Cookies usually contain the name of the page the originate from, storage time in the end user and a unique number.
  3. Cookie identifiers as well as information collected via cookies or other similar technologies may be personal data in some situations.
  4. The entity that places cookies on the Website user's end device and obtains access to them is the Website operator, i.e. The Polish Institute of International Affairs, ul. Warecka 1a, 00-950 Warsaw.
  5. Cookies are used for the following purposes:
    • enabling the user to use the Website and ensuring the correct operation of its functionalities (necessary cookies);
    • creation of statistics, which help understand how the users of the Service use websites, which in turn allows for improving their structure and content (analytical Cookies);
    • identifying possible security threats.
  6. There are two principal categories of cookies used within the scope of the Website: “session cookies” and “persistent cookies”. “Session” cookies are temporary files that are stored in the end device of the user until they leave the website or switch off the software (Internet browser). “Persistent” cookies are stored in the end device of the User for a time set in the cookies parameters or until the User removes them.
  7. The following types of cookies are used on the Website:



Validity period

Purpose of saving




1 day

This cookie file is set by Google Analytics. It stores and updates a unique value for each page visited and is used to count and track page views. An identifier used to identify users for 24 hours after the last activity to determine whether two different activities belong to the same user in browsing sessions.




13 months

This cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics - which is a significant update to Google's more commonly used analytics service. This cookie is used to distinguish unique users by assigning a randomly generated number as a customer ID. It is included in every page request on your site and used to calculate visitor, session, and campaign data for site analytics reports.




13 months

It is used to store and count page views




1 minute

It is used to monitor the number of Google Analytics server requests and observe user activities. Includes Google Universal Analytics.




Several seconds

This cookie enables the functionality of Google Analytics.




1 year

This cookie helps with the reliability, security and performance of our website.




Session time

This cookie is set to allow the visitor to receive site content from one of multiple servers while the visitor is browsing the site. This allows to maintain the visitor’s session. This is a DDoS Protection and Web Application Firewall cookie that is used to associate HTTP requests with a specific session.


  1. When entering the Website for the first time, a banner will be displayed to the user, informing him or her about the use of cookies and enabling them to be managed. The user can manage the cookies that are installed on his/her device, i.e. consent to all categories of cookies or only some of them. You may also withdraw your consent at any time by clicking the “Reject all” button. If the user accepts the installation of all categories of cookies, he/she must click the “Accept all” button. To manage cookie settings for the given cookie category, click the “Consent details” button, move the appropriate button on the cookie banner, and then click the “Save and close” button. The ability to manage cookies does not apply to essential cookies, which cannot be disabled or rejected.
  2. The user may also change cookie settings at any time in the settings of the website browsing software (web browser). By default, the web browser allows cookies to be stored on the user's end device. These settings can be changed, in particular, in a manner blocking automatic cookies support in the browser settings or inform every time about their storage in the Website user’s device. For more detailed information on the possibility and methods of processing of cookies, refer to the settings of your web browser.
  3. The Website operator informs that restriction of use of the cookies can influence certain functionalities available on the Web Service subpages.
  4. The Website Operator reserves the right to make changes to the Cookie Policy. Any changes will be published on the Web Service.