PISM Strategic Ark 2024
Zakończenie spotkania: 24.05.2024, 17:00

The deficit in the strategic understanding of foreign policy is becoming an increasing problem for the unity of the free world in its efforts to win over the adversaries of the community of democracies. Thinking in terms of victory is a necessary condition for achieving strategic goals. The strategic debate aims to harmonize our thinking about our community of interests, values and the resources we must be able to generate to ensure success.
That is why PISM Strategic Ark aims to initiate a public discussion under the theme Art of Winning, in order to develop a strategy of victory of the community of democracies in these uncertain and dangerous circumstances we are experiencing in international relations.
So far PISM Strategic Ark was an amazing success. Each time around 400 participants and media from around the world listened to best strategists and decision makers taking the stage in Warsaw. Those include: President of The Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda, Polish prime minister Mateusz Morawiecki, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy, François Heisbourg, Michael Kofman, Kori Schake, Andrew Michta, Rebeccah Heinrichs, François Godement, James Carafano, Heather Conley, General Rajmund Andrzejczak, General Christopher G. Cavoli, Thomas Wright, Zbigniew Rau, Dmytro Kuleba, Bastian Giegerich, Eva Pejsova, Tomonori Yoshizaki, Evan A. Feigenbaum, General Karol Molenda and many others.
22 May
Night Owl Session: Winning Over Putin On Our Domestic Front
(by select invitation only)
- Evgenia Kara-Murza, Free Russia Foundation
- Marie Mendras, Professor at Sciences Po University
- Ulrich Speck, Foreign Policy Analyst, Columnist for Neue Zürcher Zeitung
Moderated by: Sharon Weinberger, National Security and Foreign Policy Editor, The Wall Street Journal
Day one 23 May
Opening Remarks
- Sławomir Dębski, Director, The Polish Institute of International Affairs
- Evgenia Kara-Murza, Free Russia Foundation
09:30 – 10:30 Panel 1:
Strategy of Winning. Defining Threats & Outcomes
- Richard D. Hooker, Jr., Nonresident Senior Fellow, Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security
- Julian Lindley-French, Chairman, The Alphen Group
- Kori Schake, Director of Foreign and Defense Policy Studies, American Enterprise Institute
- Patrick Turner, Former NATO Assistant Secretary General for Defence Planning and Policy
Moderated by: Minna Ålander, Research Fellow, The Finnish Institute of International Affairs
10:30 – 11:30 Panel 2:
Moscow, Teheran, Beijing & Pyongyang: A Discussion Club or New League of Calamitous Intent?
- Stephen Biegun, Former U.S. Deputy Secretary of State
- In-bum Chun, Distinguished Military Fellow, Institute for Security and Development Policy
- Carsten Sondergaard, Former Ambassador of Denmark to Russia
- Rob de Wijk, Founder HCSS, Professor of International Relations, Leiden University
Moderated by: Sharon Weinberger, National Security and Foreign Policy Editor, The Wall Street Journal
11:30 – 12:30 Panel 3:
Safeguarding the Seas: Making the Navy Great Again
- Andrew A. Michta, Director and Senior Fellow, Scowcroft Strategy Initiative, Atlantic Council
- Second LT Commander Donata Rossa, Section Head G5/7 Plans and Training, Headquarters Multinational Division North East
- Lin, Ying-Yu, Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of International Affairs and Strategic Studies, Tamkang University
Moderated by: James Rogers, Co-founder and Director of Research, Council on Geostrategy
13:30 – 14:30 Panel 4:
European Defence Dilemma. Dependant, Complementary or Independent of the American Shield?
- Xavier Chatel, Advisor for Strategic Affairs to President Emmanuel Macron
- Guglielmo Picchi, Director Of International Relations, The Machiavelli Center
- Tomáš Pojar, National Security Advisor to Prime Minister, Czech Republic
- Jakub Wiśniewski, Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Poland
Moderated by: Sławomir Dębski, Director, The Polish Institute of International Affairs
14:30 – 15:30 Panel 5:
Defeating Russia in the Field and Beyond: the Way to Get it Done
- George Barros, Russia Team & Geospatial Intelligence Team Lead, Institute for the Study of War
- Liana Fix, Fellow For Europe, Council On Foreign Relations
- Lieutenant General Krzysztof Król, Adviser to the Chief of General Staff of the Polish Armed Forces
- Benjamin Tallis, Senior Research Fellow, German Council on Foreign Relations
Moderated by: Teri Schultz, Freelance Reporter
15:30 – 16:30 Panel 6:
Cyber & Hybrid Warfare in 2024. A Real Victory over a not so Virtual Foe
- Evanna Hu, CEO, Omelas and Nonresident Senior Fellow Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security
- Artur Kuliński, Google
- General Karol Molenda, Commander, Cyberspace Defense Forces
Moderated by: Susanna Song, Journalist, The Cybersecurity Simplified Podcast
Day two 24 May
Working Breakfasts from 08:00 to 9:15 (by select invitation only)
Session I - Journeys to NATO: Taking Lessons from the Past Accessions to Complete the Enlargement
- Pavlo Klimkin, Co-founder at Centre for National Resilience and Development, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine
- Patrick Turner, Former NATO Assistant Secretary General for Defence Planning and Policy or Distinguished Fellow, Center for European Policy Analysis
Moderated by: Anna Maria Dyner, Analyst, International Security Program, The Polish Institute of International Affairs
Session II - NATO and the Asia-Pacific: Providing Stability in the Region Through a New Level of Partnerships
- Imants Liegis, Senior Researcher, Latvian Institute of International Affairs
- In-bum Chun, Distinguished Military Fellow, Institute for Security and Development Policy
Moderated by: Wojciech Lorenz, Coordinator, International Security Program, The Polish Institute of International Affairs
Session III The Trilateral: How Britain, Poland and Ukraine Can Help Shape Post-War Europe
- James Rogers, Co-founder and Director of Research, Council on Geostrategy,
- Hanna Shelest, Security Studies Program Director, Foreign Policy Council "Ukrainian Prism"
Moderated by: Marcin Terlikowski, Deputy Head of Research, The Polish Institute of International Affairs
Special Commentary: Dan Carden MP, Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Commons
09:30 – 10:30 Panel 7:
Ukraine Victorious: What's in the Toolbox?
- Yevgeniya Gaber, Professor of National Security Studies, George C. Marshall Center for Security Studies
- Pavlo Klimkin, Co-founder at Centre for National Resilience and Development, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine
- Marie Mendras, Professor at Sciences Po University
- Daniel Szeligowski, Head of Eastern Europe Programme, The Polish Institute of International Affairs
Moderated by: Konstantin Eggert, DW Russia analyst and programme host
10:30 – 11:30 Panel 8:
The Return of the Nuclear Fear: Winning the Global Nuclear Contest
- Łukasz Kulesa, Deputy Head of Research, The Polish Institute of International Affairs
- Barbara Kunz, Senior Researcher and Director of the SIPRI European Security Programme
- Paul Schulte, Honorary Professor, Institute for Conflict, Cooperation, and Security, University of Birmingham
- Amy Woolf, Senior Associate Fellow, The Royal United Services Institute
Moderated by: Diego A. Ruiz Palmer, Former Special Advisor for Net Assessment, NATO Headquarters
11:30 – 12:30 Panel 9:
Draining the Middle East Quagmire: What's in it for the Free World?
- General (Ret.) Rajmund Andrzejczak, Former Chief of the General Staff of the Polish Armed Forces
- Omar Ashour, Director of the Strategic Studies Unit at the Arab Centre for Research and Policy Studies at the Doha Institute
- John S. Bruni, Chief Executive Officer, SAGE International
- Patti Morrissey, CEO, Global Foresight Strategy
Moderated by: Patrycja Sasnal, Head of Research, The Polish Institute of International Affairs
13:30 – 14:30 Panel 10:
Securing Peace in the Asia-Pacific. Is there a Role for Europe?
- Antoine Bondaz, Director of the Indo-Pacific Observatory, Foundation for Strategic Research
- S. Paul Choi, Principal at StratWays Group
- Alice Yang, Assistant Research Fellow, Institute for National Defense and Security Research
- Tomoyuki Yoshida, Director General, The Japan Institute of International Affairs
Moderated by: Justyna Szczudlik, Deputy Head of Research, The Polish Institute of International Affairs
14:30 – 15:30 Panel 11:
Biden 2.0 or Trump 2.0? Global Consequences for the Next Administration
- Charles A. Kupchan, Senior Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations
- Kathleen Troia "KT" McFarland, Former Deputy National Security Advisor
- Stanley Sloan, Visiting Scholar in Political Science at Middlebury College
Moderated by: Anne McElvoy, Executive Editor, Head of Audio, Politico Europe
15:30 – 16:30 Panel 12:
The Final Countdown. Are We Even Ready to Fight and Win?
- Radosław Sikorski, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland
Moderated by: Sławomir Dębski, Director, The Polish Institute of International Affairs
Closing Remarks