Ukraine's choice between east and west - Jacek Saryusz-Wolski, członek Rady PISM dla European Voice
"Ukraine's parliamentary elections on Sunday (28 October) and its presidential elections in 2015 will have a defining impact on the choice of the road that Ukraine will take and whether that road leads to deeper integration into Europe (...) Ukraine must ignore the temptation to play it both ways, end its meandering tactics and decide, once and for all, what kind of future it wants".
Jacek Saryusz-Wolski, członek Rady PISM, dla European Voice komentuje wybory parlamentarne na Ukrainie: "Ukraine's parliamentary elections on Sunday (28 October) and its presidential elections in 2015 will have a defining impact on the choice of the road that Ukraine will take and whether that road leads to deeper integration into Europe (...) Ukraine must ignore the temptation to play it both ways, end its meandering tactics and decide, once and for all, what kind of future it wants".
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