Transnational Terrorism in the World System Perspective


Zbiór artykułów poświęconych terroryzmowi międzynarodowemu autorstwa Anatolija L. Adamishina, Alberta J. Bergesena, Bartosza Bolechowa, Roberta A. Denemarka, Georgija M. Delurgiana, Sławomira Dębskiego, Carlosa Ecsudego, Jacka Foksa, Jonathana Foxa, Beaty Górki-Winter, Waltera Laquera oraz Omara A. Lizardo.


Spis treści: 

Invitation to Debate on the Transnational Terrorism in the World System Perspective
From the Editor (p. 7)

Albert J. Bergesen, Omar A. Lizardo, Terrorism and World-System Theory (p. 9)

Georgi M. Derluguian, Terrorism, the Weapon of the Organizationally Weak (p. 23)

Robert A. Denemark, Terrorism in the World System: Hypotheses for Core and Periphery (p. 47)

Carlos Escudé, When Security Reigns Supreme: The Postmodern World-System vis a vis
Globalized Terrorism and Organized Crime (p. 69)

Jonathan Fox, Religion and Terrorism in the World System (p. 97)

Sławomir Dębski, Jacek Foks, Beata Górka-Winter, Globalisation and Terrorism (p. 121)

Bartosz Bolechów, Terrorism as the Factor Destabilising International Community (p. 131)

Anatoly L. Adamishin, Is It Possible to Rescue Our Civilization? (p. 157)

Walter Laqueur, Reflections about Terrorism, Old and New (p. 167)

Contributors about themselves (p. 183)



Adam W. Jelonek, Jacek Padée, Zaproszenie do debaty na temat międzynarodowego terroryzmu, [w:] "Studia Polityczne", 2003, nr 14, s. 297-301

Adam W. Jelonek, Jacek Padée, Zaproszenie do debaty na temat międzynarodowego terroryzmu, [w:] "Afryka, Azja, Ameryka Łacińska", 2002, tom 79, s. 145