The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs, nr 2/2007
Piotr Buras
"Europe - Succeeding Together" Changes in the German European Policy vs. the Role of Germany in the European Union
Jarosław Bratkiewicz
Europe, Eurasia, "Asiopa" (Idealizational Models of Russian Foreign Policy)
Jeremi Sadowski
Two Hundred Years of Polish Disputes over Federalism - about the Forgotten Chapter of the Polish Contemporary History
Marek Garztecki, Łukasz Szozda
The World of Islam and New Threats
Paweł Ceranka
"Difficult for Us, No Easier for You." Eduard Shevardnadze talks to Wojciech Jaruzelski, Warsaw, 25 October 1989
Przemysław Grudziński
Adam Daniel Rotfeld, Polska w niepewnym świecie (Poland in an uncertain world)
Jan Barcz
Włodzimierz Borodziej (ed.) with Dominik Pick, Polska wobec zjednoczenia Niemiec 1989-1991. Dokumenty dyplomatyczne (Poland and the reunification of Germany 1989-1991. Diplomatic documents)
Marek Madej
Jerzy Kranz, Wojna, pokój czy uspokajanie? Współczesne dylematy użycia siły zbrojnej (War, peace or appeasement? The contemporary dilemmas of using armed force)
Adam Szymański
Danuta Chmielowska, Polsko-tureckie stosunki dyplomatyczne w okresie międzywojennym (Polish-Turkish diplomatic relations in the interwar period)