The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs, nr 1/2008
PQ 1/2008



Henryk Szlajfer
Introduction. Independence Yesterday and Today

Stefan Meller
How to Talk with Russia

Jerzy Tomaszewski
Poland in Central Europe in the 20th Century

Wojciech Roszkowski
Reflections on Poland's Development after 1918 and after 1989

Roman Kuźniar
Geopolitics and Poland's Security Policy

Przemysław Grudziński
Poland in Search of a New Role 


Piotr Wandycz
On Polish Foreign Policy in 1918-2007

Philippe Moreau Defarges
Poland: Becoming a Normal Country

Jan Zielonka
Poland at the Center of the European Empire

Klaus Bachmann
Gloomy Faces of Old-fashioned Statebuilders: Poland's Foreign Policy in the Light of International Relations' Theories

Klaus Ziemer
The Polish Cause and the German Cause in the 20th Century

Charles Gati
Temptations and Challenges in Central and Eastern Europe

Laurence Whitehead
Reflections on the Enlarging EU (From a Longue Dureé Perspective)


Jerzy Kranz  
Witold M. Góralski (ed.): Polska-Niemcy 1945-2007. Od konfrontacji do współpracy i partnerstwa w Europie. Studia i dokumenty (Poland-Germany 1945-2007. From Confrontation to Cooperation and Partnership in Europe. Studies and Documents)

Edward Kołodziej
Krzysztof Smolana (preparation and editing): Słownik biograficzny polskiej służby zagranicznej 1918-1945. A biographical dictionary of the Polish foreign service 1918-1945

Małgorzata Rzeszutko  
Jerzy Kranz (ed.): Suwerenność i ponadnarodowość a integracja europejska (Sovereignty, Supranationalism and European Integration)

Leszek Jesień
Jacek Czaputowicz: Teorie stosunków międzynarodowych. Krytyka i systematyzacja (Theories of International Relations. Critique and Systemization)


