The European Union in the World System Perspective

Zbiór artykułów poświęconych Unii Europejskiej w systemie światowym autorstwa Josepha E. Bigio, Carlosa Escude, Gernota Koehlera, Ewy Maziarz, Aleksandra Mullera, Hansa-Heinricha Noltego, Anny Pochylczuk oraz Arno Tauscha.


Spis treści: 

Invitation to Debate on the European Union in the World System PerspectiveFrom the Editor (p. 7)

Hans-Heinrich Nolte, The European Union within the Modern World-System (p. 9)

Arno Tausch, The European Union and the World-System (p. 45)

Carlos Escudé, The European Union and Global Security in the Postmodern World-System (p. 95)

Gernot Köhler, European Unemployment as a World-System Problem (p. 121)

Ewa Maziarz and Anna Pochylczuk, The European Union and Globalising Forces (p. 133)

Aleksander Müller, The European Integration as a Response and an Initiative (p. 153)

Joseph E. Bigio, Taking the Sting Out of Globalization for Europe (p. 175)

Contributors about themselves (p. 195)



"Medzinárodné Otázky", Slovenský Inštitút Medzinárodných Štúdií (Bratislava), nr 4/2002, ročník XI, s. 132-134