Romney in Warsaw: In remembrance of times gone by - Roderick Parkes dla EurActiv
"The last leg of a world tour by US Republican presidential challenger Mitt Romney took him to Warsaw on 31 July 2012. Romney’s trip highlighted the stereotypic view with which Poland and the US tend to view each other, and illustrated how these mutual images – redolent of the heady days when Poland passed from communist control – bring nostalgic comfort to both countries in a period of anxiety".Link do artykułu
Roderick Parkes na łamach EurActiv komentuje wizytę Mitta Romney'a w Polsce: "The last leg of a world tour by US Republican presidential challenger Mitt Romney took him to Warsaw on 31 July 2012. Romney’s trip highlighted the stereotypic view with which Poland and the US tend to view each other, and illustrated how these mutual images – redolent of the heady days when Poland passed from communist control – bring nostalgic comfort to both countries in a period of anxiety".
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