Prospects for EU-US Relationship, After the Attack: Several Europes and Transatlantic Relations

CD-ROM zawierający materiały z międzynarodowych konferencji na temat stosunków UE-USA.


Preface by Ryszard Stemplowski

Adam Daniel Rotfeld, The new transatlantic agenda: the EU-US relationship (p.13)

Kenneth Allard, Précis of remarks to the Warsaw Conference (p. 27)

Laurence A. Whitehead, Reflections on the "Transatlantic Partnership" after Nice and Tallahassee (p. 31)

Alberta M. Sbragia, The EU-US relationship: regulatory cooperation, environment and security (p. 37)

Manfred Knapp, The quest for leadership in the New Europe. Can the Europeans do it without the United States? (p. 43)

Longin Pastusiak, Clinton, Bush administrations and transatlantic relations (p. 47)

Janusz Kaczurba, Prospects for EU-US relationship: Talking points (p. 55)

Andrzej Wielowieyski, Prospects for EU-US relationship (p. 59)

Krzysztof Bobiński, US-EU relations, prospects (p. 65)

Joseph E. Bigio, The economic global challenge facing an expanding Europe (p. 69)

Peter Trubowitz, The Bush administration and the future of transatlantic relations (p. 73)

Wolf Grabendorff, The diverging positions of the US and the EU in the globalization process (p. 81)

Lawrence S. Graham, European - US relations (p. 87)

Lawrence S. Graham, Commentaries on the Warsaw Conference (p. 93)

Laurence A. Whitehead, Commentaries on the Warsaw Conference (p. 99)

Agenda for the conference (p. 113)

About the participants (p. 115)


After the Attack: 'Several Europes' and Transatlantic Relations



Opening remarks

Conference Co-organizers (p. 7)


European Union Enlargement

Presenter: Philippe de Schoutheete

Commentators: Wolf Grabendorff, Geoffrey Martin

General Discussion: Michael Brenner, Daniel Dultzin, Wolf Grabendorff, Geoffrey Martin, Miguel Mesquita da Cunha, Porfirio Muńoz Ledo, Zdzisław Najder, Jerzy Nowak, Andrzej Olechowski, Philippe de Schoutheete Willy Stevens, Magdaléna Vášáryová, Allen Weinstein, Laurence A. Whitehead (p. 10)

Special guest: Foreign Minister of Romania Mircea Geoana (p.42)


NATO Enlargement

Presenter: Andrzej Olechowski

Commentators: Sheldon Ekland-Olson, Bertrand de Crombrugghe

General Discussion (I): John Alderdice,

Fernando Andresen-Guimaraes, Michael Brenner, Bertrand de Crombrugghe, Ulrich Dalrup, Ginte Damusis, Sheldon Ekland-Olson, Mircea Geoana, Wolf Grabendorff, Imants Liegis, Miguel Mesquita da Cunha, Zdzisław Najder, Jerzy Nowak, Andrzej Olechowski, Alisher Shaykhov, Ryszard Stemplowski, Peter Trubowitz,

Jerzy J. Wiatr, Laurence A. Whitehead (p. 49)

General Discussion (II): Peter Burian, Nick Burns, Miguel Mesquita da Cunha, an observer,

Andrzej Olechowski, Allen Weinstein (p. 95)


Russia in Europe

Presenter: Zdzisław Najder

Commentators: Hans Christian Krüger, Alexandr Vondra, Andrei Kolosovsky

General Discussion: Benoit d'Aboville, Stanisław Ciosek, Heather Grabbe, Hans Christian Krüger, Andrei Kolosovsky, Sergiy Komisarenko, Zdzisław Najder, Gebhardt von Moltke, Alexandr Vondra, Jerzy J. Wiatr, Allen Weinstein (p.109)


The United States and Europe

Presenter: Leon Fuerth

Commentators: Jerzy J. Wiatr, John Alderdice

General Discussion: John Alderdice, Michael Brenner, Daniel Dulzin, Leon Fuerth, Heather Grabbe, Wolf Grabendorff, Miguel Mesquita da Cunha, an observer, Horst Pietschmann, Allen Weinstein, Laurence A. Whitehead, Jerzy J. Wiatr (p. 145)


Closing remarks

Conference Co-organizers (p.186)



1. Philippe de Schoutheete’s paper (p.197)

2. Richard Lugar's speech (p.203)

3. List of Participants