Poland-China Strategic Partnership: Waiting for More Results
Scheduled for 22–27 November, Polish President Andrzej Duda’s visit to China will take place at a significant moment, just after a change of government in Poland, during the fourth “16+1” summit, and on eve of the fourth anniversary of the Poland—China strategic partnership. Reinvigorated in recent years, bilateral relations have resulted in intensive political dialogue but modest economic cooperation. The president should go to China with two main messages, one of reassurance that the PRC remains an important partner for Poland, and the other indicating a push for tangible economic cooperation.

Scheduled for 22–27 November, Polish President Andrzej Duda’s visit to China will take place at a significant moment, just after a change of government in Poland, during the fourth “16+1” summit, and on eve of the fourth anniversary of the Poland—China strategic partnership. Reinvigorated in recent years, bilateral relations have resulted in intensive political dialogue but modest economic cooperation. The president should go to China with two main messages, one of reassurance that the PRC remains an important partner for Poland, and the other indicating a push for tangible economic cooperation.