The War in Ukraine and Food Security in Africa and the Middle East
26.04.2022, 12:00
26.04.2022, 13:30

is pleased to invite you to the online expert seminar


The War in Ukraine and Food Security
in Africa and the Middle East


Tuesday, 26 April 2022

12:00- 13:30, CET (Warsaw)

Venue: Online via Zoom

Language: English





12:00 Introduction


   •       Jędrzej Czerep, Head of Middle East and Africa Programme, PISM


12:05 The war’s impact on global food markets


  • Patryk Kugiel, Analyst, Asia-Pacific Programme, PISM


12:15 North Africa: policy responses to possible bread shortages


  • Hamza Meddeb (Tunisia), non-resident scholar, Malcolm H. Kerr Carnegie Middle East Center


12:25 Sub-Saharan Africa: shock and impulse for long-term transformations


  • Ray Hartley (South Africa), Research Director, The Brenthurst Foundation


12: 35 Middle East: Further into instability?


  • Sami Halabi (Lebanon), Policy Director, Triangle


12:45-13:30 Discussion



You can watch the livestream on our YouTube channel: