Workshop: “Identification of ALS/CO in the South and the East in the European Union Surroundings”
28.02.2019, 09:00
28.02.2019, 16:00
Workshop is part of the project Europe's External Action and the Dual Challenges of Limited Statehood and Contested Orders—EU-LISTCO


28 February

09:00-09.30     Registration

09:30–11:00      Introductory session: The Theoretical Framework and Its Challenges

Welcoming remarks

Patrycja Sasnal, Polish Institute of International Affairs

Federica Bicchi, European University Institute


 Eric Stollenwerk, Freie Universität Berlin, Conceptual framework of the EU-LISTCO Project

Andreas Forø Tollefsen, PRIO, Forecasting sub-national conflict in the EU neighbourhood

 Agnieszka Legucka, Polish Institute of International Affairs, ALS – a step too far in the Eastern neighbourhood?


11:00–11:30      Coffee Break

11:30–13:00      Work in groups

                          Topics for discussion:

  1. Migrations in the East and South
    Wilanowska Meeting Room (ground floor)
  2. Radicalism and Revisionism in the East and South
    OLIMP 1 Meeting Room (10th floor)
  3. Political Economy in the East and South
    Mazowiecka Meeting Room (ground floor)

13:00–14:00      Lunch

14:00–15:30      Panel discussion: Differences and Similarities in ALS/CO between the South and the East

                          Chair: Agnieszka Legucka

                          Moderators of group 1: Federica Bicchi, Marta Jaroszewicz

                          Moderators of group 2: Patrycja Sasnal, Anna Dyner

                          Moderators of group 3: Matteo Capasso, Daniel Szeligowski

15.30–16:00      Summary of the groups’ discussion by moderators and concluding remarks