Whitehall Report - “A Problem Deferred? NATO Non-Strategic Nuclear Weapons after Chicago"
26.10.2012, 00:00
26.10.2012, 00:00
Normal 0 21 false false false PL X-NONE X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable Jacek Durkalec, analityk projektu PISM Nieproliferacja i Kontrola Zbrojeń, jest autorem artykułu „After the DDPR: Central and Eastern European Perspectives”, który ukazał się w najnowszym numerze Whitehall Report, „A Problem Deferred? NATO Non-Strategic Nuclear Weapons after Chicago”. W publikacji wydawanej przez Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) Jacek Durkalec analizuje podejścia państw Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej do redukcji niestrategicznej broni nuklearnej w Europie.

Jacek Durkalec, analityk  projektu PISM Nieproliferacja i Kontrola Zbrojeń, jest autorem artykułu „After the DDPR: Central and Eastern European Perspectives”, który ukazał się w najnowszym numerze Whitehall ReportA Problem Deferred? NATO Non-Strategic Nuclear Weapons after Chicago”. W publikacji wydawanej przez Royal United Services Institute  (RUSI) Jacek Durkalec analizuje podejścia państw Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej do redukcji niestrategicznej broni nuklearnej w Europie.

RUSI’s Summary of the Report

The completion of NATO’s Deterrence and Defence Posture Review (DDPR) has provided some relief to intra-Alliance tensions at a crucial time. In recent years, cohesion among the Allies has been strained by increasing pressure for fiscal austerity, diverging threat perceptions, increasingly aggressive rhetoric from Russia, and an advancing Iranian nuclear programme in NATO’s backyard.
On the divisive issue of NATO non-strategic nuclear weapons in Europe, DDPR unanimously concluded that NATO’s nuclear status quo meets the criteria for an effective deterrence and defence posture. However, it also committed the Alliance to seek further reductions in U.S. non-strategic nuclear weapons in Europe in the context of reciprocal steps from Russia.
The six authors of the papers in this volume draw upon their unique perspectives from within key member states, Alliance structures and Russia to examine the outcomes of the review process. In particular, they provide insight into what these commitments will mean in practice, and assess how sustainable they could be in light of continuing domestic pressure in some states for more radical disarmament steps.

(From http://www.rusi.org/publications/whitehallreports/ref:O508921BDBCE3B/)