The Liquid Catalyst: How Will Water Resources Influence the Future of the Middle East and North Africa?
13.08.2020, 15:00
13.08.2020, 16:30

 invites you to the online debate 


The Liquid Catalyst: How Will Water Resources Influence the Future of the Middle East and North Africa?


The Middle East and North Africa are among the regions with the highest water scarcity in the world. Until now, water disputes have been resolved through diplomacy. But governments pressed by climate change strive to gain more control of their shared water resources. Will water become a casus bellum for future armed conflicts in the region? What are the prospects for water cooperation in the Middle East? How will intensifying water disputes affect domestic situations in regional countries?


13 August (Thursday) 2020

15:00-16:30 CET (Poland)

The debate will be livestreamed on our YouTube channel: 

A conversation between:

  •     Glada Lahn, Senior Research Fellow in the Energy, Environment and Resources Programme at Chatham House, United Kingdom
  •    Meir Litvak, Associate Professor at the Department of Middle Eastern History and a senior Research Associate at the Alliance Centre at Tel Aviv University, Israel
  •   Jędrzej Czerep, Senior Research Fellow at the Middle East and Africa Programme in Polish Institute of International Affairs, Poland 

    Chair: Sara Nowacka, analyst at the Middle East and Africa Programme in Polish Institute of International Affairs, Poland


The debate will be held in English

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