The European Idea - Jarosław Ćwiek-Karpowicz o przyszłości Unii Europejskiej w Council on Foreign Relations
29.03.2016, 00:00
29.03.2016, 00:00
Definitely people in Europe, they are much more preoccupied with their economic situation, and problems like terrorist attacks or migrants, than, let’s say, the European idea and the future of European integration. And among problems which are the most important for the EU, they indicate in surveys migration crisis, economic situation, unemployment. And this is also very important to have in our mind, that when we discuss about EU crisis and the European idea, people usually, they do not follow this discussion. They think about current situation. And I think that we may say that European Union, as a—as a great economy, now is recovering after crisis, and the people notice this. And that’s why they’re a little bit—much more positive than a few years ago - powiedział dr Jarosław Ćwiek-Karpowicz w panelu dyskusyjnym "The European Idea" zorganizowanym przez Council on Foreign Relations.