Seminar: "Why do people migrate? Understanding root causes, finding right responses to international migration"
24.09.2019, 09:00
24.09.2019, 13:00
The seminar inaugurates the project: Migration and Development: Sharing knowledge between Poland and Norway (MiDeShare)


09.00 – 09.15  Opening of the seminar

09.15 – 09.30 Presentation of the MiDeShare Project

  • Katarzyna Michalska, The Polish Institute of International Affairs


09.30 – 11.00 Session 1: A world of migration

With over 350 million people on the move, the international migration has become a new normal. As globalization advances and technologies make the world even smaller this trend will continue. Yet, at the same time migration is becoming a more contentious and divisive issue. While it brings benefits for sending and hosting countries alike, when it happens in an irregular way, it can create social and political tensions, as the massive inflow to Europe since 2015 has proven. This session will introduce main terms and concepts, and describe different forms of migration, give an overview of recent trends, and present major challenges and opportunities it poses for sending, transit and receiving countries. It will draw from distinct experiences of Norway and Poland in migration management. Its aim is to give an update on international migrations as a global phenomenon and as a subject of research and studies.


  • Morten Bøås, Research Professor, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs - Taking stock of current global flows and future scenarios
  • Jolanta Szymańska, Head of the European Union Programme, The Polish Institute of International Affairs, Europe and international migration – current situation, future challenges
  • Guri Tyldum, Research Fellow at Fafo, Oslo, Secondary migration in refugee populations
  • Anna Rostocka, Director, International Organization for Migration, Poland, Forced migration – reasons, challenges and prospects

Moderator: Patryk Kugiel, Senior Analyst, The Polish Institute of International Affairs

11.00 – 11.30 – Coffee break


11.30 – 13.00 – Session 2:  Towards best practices of regulating migration

Since the sharp increase in migration inflow to Europe in 2015 a chorus of politicians across the continent have vowed to “address root causes of migration”. But do we fully understand what these “root causes” are and do we have the right tools to address them? Is, for instance, development assistance an effective way to limit emigration from developing countries, and if ‘yes’, under what conditions? What other instruments (trade, FDI, crisis response, etc.) are available to European actors to manage migration flows better? This session will compare different models and policies of selected actors employed in response to migration. It will try to evaluate the effectiveness of specific tools as evident in chosen case studies. It aims at better understanding of complex relationship between migration and development.


  • Henriette Ullavik Erstad, Research Fellow, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs,  European migration regimes – fit for purpose?
  • Anna Paterek, Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, Addressing root causes of migration through development aid – Does it work?
  • Svein Erik Stave, Research Fellow at Fafo, Oslo, Migrants, refugees and regulation of the labour market: The case of Jordan.
  • Wojciech Wilk, Polish Centre for International Aid, Refugees and humanitarian aid – the case of Polish aid in the Middle East

Moderator: Morten Bøås, Research Professor, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs

13.00 – 14.00 Lunch