Public debate: Making the EU economy stronger: V4-France perspective
18.02.2019, 00:00
18.02.2019, 00:00
are pleased to invite 

to a public debate 

Making the EU economy stronger: V4-France perspective


Organised in the frame of the project

“Charting a new path for a reinforced and improved V4-France cooperation”


18 February (Monday) 2019


The Polish Institute of International Affairs

1a Warecka Street, Warsaw

Conference room, 1st floor 


The project is co-financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.

The election of Emmanuel Macron to the French presidency created renewed context about the future of decision-making at the EU level, especially with the intention to reinforce Franco-German engine that would assume the leadership of certain key policy areas. In this context, and given the effects of the looming BREXIT on power dynamics and coalition building within the EU, the V4 needs to find the ways to recalibrate its relationship with France in order to define and defend its interests. The potential of a multi-speed, or two speed Europe, on economic, social, or security issues, may hamper the functioning of the V4 and present a challenge to its unity and interests, which was illustrated by the socio-economical conflict over posted workers EU directive.

At the same time, in 2018 President Macron’s rhetoric towards Hungary and especially Poland has created fears of a reinforced East/West cleavage, and it is now more than ever crucial to address the future of the relationship between V4 states and France in the realm of continued European economic convergence. Which economic issues can provide the basis of common platform for the V4 and France? Are there some issues that resonate more strongly for specific V4 states? Where do differences exist, and can they be reconciled? It is now more than ever crucial to address the future of the socio-economical relationships between V4 states and France at the stage of constant debate on the future European integration.


Welcome and introduction:

  • Bartosz Wiśniewski, Head of the Research Office, The Polish Institute of International Affarirs


  • Sebastian Płóciennik, Head of the Weimar Triangle Programme, The Polish Institute of International Affairs
  • Martin Michelot, Deputy Director, EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
  • Daniel Bartha, Director, Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy
  • Matej Navrátil, Research Fellow, Department of Political Science, Comenius University
  • Philippe Berdou, Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, France
  • Moderator: Marta Makowska, Analyst, European Union Programme, The Polish Institute of International Affairs


Project partners:




The event will be held in English.

Those wishing to attend are kindly requested to confirm by 14 February 2019

through online registration

Early registration is recommended due to the limited number of seats. ​

The organiser reserves the right to close registration before the deadline.

 In case of problems with online registration, please contact us at: or (22) 556 80 57