Global Challenges for the Future of Manufacturing: Poland’s and United Arab Emirates’ Perspective
26.10.2016, 00:00
26.10.2016, 00:00
Global Challenges for the Future of Manufacturing: Poland’s and United Arab Emirates’ Perspective.

Global Manufacturing and Industrialisation Summit

Global Challenges for the Future of Manufacturing: Poland’s and United Arab Emirates’ Perspective

9:30 – 10:00 Welcome remarks

10:00 – 10:15  The Ceremony of MoU signing between Polish Chamber of Commerce & GMIS

10:15 – 11:15 Global Manufacturing and Industrialization Summit: Challenges and New Ideas for the Economy of 21st Century

Topics for Discussion:
The Future of Manufacturing and Re-industrialisation in Europe
Human capital as key asset of modern economy 
Research and Innovation as a solution to the “middle-income trap”
How to maximize Polish companies presence at GMIS Summit
How Poland can use the opportunity of GMIS to attract investments to its Industrial sector

11:15 – 11:30 Coffee break

11.30 – 12.30 Poland–UAE (Business Forum): Perspectives for Cooperation 

Topics for Discussion:
What are the most critical upcoming technological developments that will affect manufacturing globally, in Poland, and in the United Arab Emirates over the next 10-20 years?
How can Poland and the UAE respond to emerging technological disruptions and what needs to be done by other stakeholders?
Considering the impact of the technological change, what modifications in corporate business practices will be necessary to cope with them? How do you imagine your country in twenty years? 
How Poland can use the opportunity of GMIS to attract investments to its Industrial sector