Expert seminar “Brexit and Its Impact on the Island of Ireland”
08.10.2019, 16:00
08.10.2019, 18:00
The seminar is intended to provide an opportunity to discuss in depth the impact of Brexit on the island of Ireland, with particular focus on: historical importance of the Good Friday Agreement; present-day support for the GFA across the island; continued lack of operation in the last three years of the Northern Ireland Executive; impact of no-deal on the land border; commitment by the Republic of Ireland to the Single Market; and potential security impact of Brexit. The opening presentations will be delivered by Professor Mary E. Daly, former President of the Royal Irish Academy; Dr Katy Hayward, Queen’s University Belfast; and Dr Przemysław Biskup, senior analyst, PISM.


15:45 – 16:00         Registration

16:00 - 16:05          Welcome

  • Patrycja Sasnal, Head of Research Office, The Polish Institute of International Affairs
  • Emer O’Connell, Ambassador of Ireland

16:05-16:40            Discussion

  • Mary E. Daly, former president of the Royal Irish Academy, Emeritus Professor of History at University College Dublin
  • Katy Hayward, Queen’s University Belfast; Senior Fellow of The UK in a Changing Europe
  • Przemysław Biskup, senior analyst, EU Programme, The Polish Institute of International Affairs

Moderated by Melchior Szczepanik, analyst, EU Programme, The Polish Institute of International Affairs

16:40-17:50            Q&A session

17:50-18:00            Summary