Debata: Security Alert on the EU's Doorstep: How Can the NATO Summit Contribute to Strengthening Security in the Eastern Partnership Countries?
21.06.2016, 00:00
21.06.2016, 00:00
Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych, The Caucasus Institute for Peace, Democracy and Development, Promotion of Intercultural Cooperation NGO oraz Foreign Policy Association (APE) mają przyjemność zaprosić na debatę: Security Alert on the EU's Doorstep: How Can the NATO Summit Contribute to Strengthening Security in the Eastern Partnership Countries?
Logotypy góra 21.06.2016 - small
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Security Alert on the EU's Doorstep: How Can the NATO Summit Contribute to Strengthening Security in the Eastern Partnership Countries?

Adam Kobieracki
Były Dyrektor Departamentu Polityki Bezpieczeństwa, 
Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych, Polska

Ghia Nodia
Przewodniczący, Caucasus Institute for Peace, Democracy and Development, Gruzja

Richard Giragosian 
Dyrektor, Regional Studies Center, Armenia

Victoria Bucataru
Dyrektor Programowy, Foreign Policy Association (APE), Mołdawia

Hanna Shelest
Prezes zarządu, NGO "Promotion of Intercultural Cooperation", Ukraina

Anna Maria Dyner
Koordynator Programu Europa Wschodnia, Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych

Jan Piekło
Dyrektor, Polish-Ukrainian Cooperation Foundation (PAUCI)

Czas i miejsce:
21 czerwca 2016 (wtorek), godz. 11.00-13.00
Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych
ul. Warecka 1a, Warszawa
Sala konferencyjna, pierwsze piętro

Język debaty: angielski

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11.00-11.55 Sesja 1. Home-Grown Security: Limits and Opportunities in the Eastern Partnership Region
  • The limits and potential of Eastern Partnership countries to enhance security in all its dimensions, and the resources and international agreements/guarantees needed to maximise successful implementation
  • Strategy for civil society engagement in shaping the security policies of Eastern Partnership countries 

11.55-12.05 Przerwa kawowa 

12.05-13.00 Sesja 2. Forging Common Security Strategies at NATO and EU Levels and Beyond
  • The challenges and options for NATO to forge a common security strategy with the countries on the EU's Eastern doorstep in all its dimensions, and the resources and international agreements required to make it possible and sustainable
  • Recommendations for a strategy around which key actors (Eastern Partnership country governments, EU and EU member states, NATO and NATO member states, OSCE, and civil society actors in the Eastern Partnership countries) can unite to increase the security of the region in a long-term, sustainable way.
Logotypy dół 21.06.2016 - Kopia