Polish - U.S. Transatlantic Lookout
04.06.2024, 09:00
04.06.2024, 14:00

Polish - U.S. Transatlantic Lookout: 2024

4 June 2023 (Tuesday)

9:00 – 14:00 (EST)


2nd edition of the Expert Conference

Polish – U.S. Transatlantic Lookout

The Mayflower Hotel

1127 Connecticut Ave NW

Washington, D.C. 20036

The main goal of the Transatlantic Lookout, organised by the Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM) is to provide a Polish perspective on selected aspects of transatlantic cooperation and compare it with American assessments. Planned as a recurring event, Transatlantic Lookout serves as an opportunity to bring experts from Poland and the United States closer together, positively influencing policy making on both sides of the Atlantic.


08:45-09:15 Welcome and Registration

09:15-09:30  Opening

                       Sławomir Dębski, Director, PISM

09:30-10:30  Panel I 

 Poland, the U.S. and the Future of Security Order in Europe

  • What are the stakes of the anniversary Summit of NATO in Washington as regards  the future of security order in Europe?
  • How can the U.S., Poland and Allies assure Ukraine wins with Russia and becomes a founding element of a new security order in Europe, guaranteeing durable peace?
  • Are the U.S., Poland and Allies prepared for a long-term confrontation with Russia and ready to formulate a political framework for a long-term Russian policy?
  • How should the transatlantic bond evolve to accommodate the changing burden sharing equation and the increasing defense effort of European Allies?

With participation of:

  • Daniel Fried, Weiser Family Distinguished Fellow, Atlantic Council
  • Rachel Rizzo, Nonresident Senior Fellow, Europe Center, Atlantic Council
  • Daniel Szeligowski, Head of Eastern Europe Program, PISM

Moderator: Patrycja Sasnal, Head of Research, PISM


10:30-11:30  Panel II             

  Pushing Back Against China: the U.S., Poland and the Transatlantic Community

  • What is the nature and severity of Chinese threat to the United States, the Transatlantic Community and Poland considering gray zone/hybrid activities with disinformation in the first place?
  • What are the views from Washington and Warsaw as regards Chinese capacity and willingness to escalate over Taiwan?
  • What should be the role of the Transatlantic Community, including NATO, in response to rising instability in Indo-Pacific region?
  • Can the cooperation between the U.S. and European Union on de-risking and containing Chinese economic influence, especially regarding the new and green technologies bring results, which will increase the security of transatlantic community?

With participation of:

  • Elbridge Colby, Co-Founder and Principal, The Marathon Initiative  
  • Andrew A. Michta, Director and Senior Fellow, Scowcroft Strategy Initiative, Atlantic Council
  • Justyna Szczudlik, Deputy Head of Research, China Analyst, PISM

Moderator: Marcin Terlikowski, Deputy Head of Research, European Security Analyst, PISM  


11:30-11:50  Coffee Break

11:50-12:50  Panel III

  United We Stand: The U.S., Poland and NATO Allies in the Eastern Flank and Beyond 

  • What are the early lessons learned from the implementation of decisions Regarding plans, command structure and forces of NATO, which were taken in Madrid and Vilnius?
  • How should the U.S., Poland and Allies think about the future posture of NATO in the Eastern Flank given the evolving character of the Russian threat, which will include both conventional, nuclear and hybrid elements?
  • What is the way forward as regards Polish role as a hub for Eastern Flank defenses and a springboard for NATO operations in scenarios of escalation with Russia?
  • What are the consequences of contingencies in Indo-Pacific for the U.S., Poland and NATO and the European theatre?

With participation of: 

  • Gen. (ret.) Rajmund T. Andrzejczak, former Chief of General Staff of the Polish Armed Forces
  • Mark Cozad, Senior International Defense Researcher, RAND
  • Seth G. Jones, Senior Vice President, CSIS
  • Alexander Vershbow, Distinguished Fellow, Atlantic Council           

             Moderator: Anna Maria Dyner, International Security Analyst, PISM

12:50-13:50  Panel IV

 Hardening the Bilateral Cooperation: Polish-U.S. Relations until the 2030s and Forward 

  • How can Polish-U.S. cooperation on nuclear energy spill-over to other industries, including in the area of green transformation?
  • What are the roles that Poland can play for the United States as a springboard for American involvement in the Baltic-to-Black Sea region and in the reconstruction of Ukraine?
  • Can Poland become an important regional and European hub for American hightech business in the context of the re-shoring or friend-shoring of business operations of U.S. industry?
  • How to build on Polish acquisitions of American weapon systems and link the U.S.and Poland’s defense industrial bases in joint undertakings and projects?

With participation of: 

  • Matthew Boyse, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
  • Dalibor Rohac, Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute
  • Patrycja Sasnal, Head of Research, PISM

Moderator: Mateusz Piotrowski, U.S. & Transatlantic Relations Analyst, PISM


13:50-14:00  Wrap up

  • 14:00    Networking Lunch